Pet Soft Tissue Surgery
Our team is highly skilled and experienced in performing a wide variety of soft tissue procedures using modern techniques and cutting-edge equipment, always adhering to the strictest standards of safety and care.
Soft tissue procedures offered:
- Abdominal: gastrointestinal, adrenalectomy, cholecystectomy, gastropexy, liver lobectomy, nephrectomy, ovariohysterectomy, splenectomy, subtotal colectomy
- Anal sacculectomy
- Arytenoid lateralization (tieback)
- Brachycephalic obstructive airway syndrome (BOAS)
- Caesarian/c-section
- Cystotomy
- Episioplasty/vulvoplasty
- Hernia repair: diaphragmatic, inguinal, perineal, umbilical
- Mastectomy
- Neuter w/ scrotal ablation
- Rectal eversion for rectal polyp removal
- Sialadenectomy/salivary gland mucocele removal
- Thyroidectomy, parathyroidectomy
- Total ear canal ablation with lateral bulla osteotomy/TECA-LBO
- Urethrostomy: perineal, scrotal
- Ventral bulla osteotomy/VBO (for aural or pharyngeal polyps)
- Wound management/reconstruction
If you do not see a surgery listed that you wish to have performed, please contact Dr. Havemann.